India’s billionaire count up 3x in 10 years to 334
Gautam Adanihas overtaken Mukesh Ambani as the richest person in India, according to the 2024 Hurun India Rich List. Adani, 62, with a wealth of Rs 11.6 lakh crore, saw his fortune grow 95% and thus, propelling him to the top spot. Ambani, 67, slid to the second position with a wealth of Rs 10.1 lakh crore. Both billionaires added the most to their wealth in absolute terms.”Rising like a phoenix after the Hindenburg allegations, Gautam Adani (62) & family have secured the top spot in this year’s rankings, with a 95% increase in wealth compared to last year. Adani has recorded the highest wealth growth within the top 10 over the past five years, adding Rs 10.2 lakh crore, despite the challenges following the report,” said Anas Rahman Junaid, founder and chief researcher, Hurun India.
The total wealth of those on the list has grown to Rs 159 lakh crore, surpassing the combined GDP of Saudi Arabia and Switzerland and accounting for more than half of India’s GDP. Among the new entrants is Shah Rukh Khan (58), who debuted on the list with a wealth of Rs 7,300 crore, largely driven by his stake in Kolkata Knight Riders and Red Chillies Entertainment. Other notable figures from the film industry joining the list include Juhi Chawla, Hrithik Roshan, Karan Johar, and Amitabh Bachchan.